DigitalInOut one_wire_pin
int CurrentReading
gets the value of voltage and current as integers per unit value referred to in the ds2781....
float get_voltage(void)
returns the actual voltage value
void update_measurements(void)
updates the measurements of voltage and current values
bool get_enable_state(void)
returns the state of the enable pin
void disable(void)
causes the enable pin to be set to LOW
void set_enable(bool expression)
enable pin will be set to the boolean value in the paremeter
void enable(void)
causes the enable pin to be set to HIGH
MotorDriverBoard(PinName enable_pin, PinName monitor_pin)
Construct a new MotorDriverBoard object.
float get_current(void)
returns the actual curent value
float Current
actual value of the voltage and current
bool enable_state
state of the enable pin
DigitalOut board_enable
pin responsible for enabling the board
contains all the constant variables for easy access from one file
uint16_t ReadCurrent(void)
ESP Motor Driver Board Interface library
MCU pin assigments in one file for easy modification.